Two type of love
1. FIRST LOVE- comes in our life before birth.
Only two person- 1. Mother 2. father
and end of this love is our death or destination.
2.SECOND LOVE- comes in our life after birth.
Many person come in our life because of this love but
end of this love is only one person. That is yours wife. Many activities being in our life that we call as love is come as second love. But we understands our first love.
Some time we say right that our first love is last love. But we don't know that who is our first love and when starts our first love.
My thought is that if any person want that his/her first love starts before his/her birth. Then he/she success in his/her life.
This thought contain in my poem. That name is " ISHQUE A DIFFERENT THINK " happen on a little incident of my life.
एक अलग सोच
Two type of love
1. FIRST LOVE- comes in our life before birth.
Only two person- 1. Mother 2. father
and end of this love is our death or destination.
2.SECOND LOVE- comes in our life after birth.
Many person come in our life because of this love but
end of this love is only one person. That is yours wife. Many activities being in our life that we call as love is come as second love. But we understands our first love.
Some time we say right that our first love is last love. But we don't know that who is our first love and when starts our first love.
My thought is that if any person want that his/her first love starts before his/her birth. Then he/she success in his/her life.
This thought contain in my poem. That name is " ISHQUE A DIFFERENT THINK " happen on a little incident of my life.
एक अलग सोच
मत ताक की क्या औकात है मेरी, हर राह पर नाम लिखा है उसका।
इश्क ना करते हम दोबारा, क्योकि बेवफाई की कोई हद नहीँ रखते।
इश्क ना करते हम दोबारा, क्योकि बेवफाई की कोई हद नहीँ रखते।
इश्क तो पैदा होने के पहले का, बेवफाई की नामोँ-निशां नहीँ।
अगर कर दी बेवफाई उससे, धड़कने पत्थर छोड़ देगी।
अगर कर दी बेवफाई उससे, धड़कने पत्थर छोड़ देगी।
ईश्क ना चाहते किसी से, बस अद्रढ़ लकीरेँ बनाने की सोच से।
लकीरोँ पर चलना छोड़ दिया, मगर मुमकिन नहीँ आँखेँ चार करने मेँ।
लकीरोँ पर चलना छोड़ दिया, मगर मुमकिन नहीँ आँखेँ चार करने मेँ।
टूटते हूँए सपनोँ के पन्नोँ पर, खुद का ही इतिहास लिखुँ तो,
ईश्क की तुच्छ सरहदो के आगे , मुझे ही राह दिखाते,
ईश्क की तुच्छ सरहदो के आगे , मुझे ही राह दिखाते,
मालूम नहीँ उन्हेँ मेरा, ईश्क मेरे से पहले का,
हर पल जीता है उसका, बस एक पल अत्ता करने मेँ,
Writer – seervi prakash panwar
हर पल जीता है उसका, बस एक पल अत्ता करने मेँ,
Writer – seervi prakash panwar
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